Wednesday, February 11, 2009


She bathes in moonlight
Her mystical beauty ever eludes us;
Friend of Peace;
Foe to the two great villains
Conflict and Turmoil.
Some say she is too far gone from our world,
Some say she is dead,
But on a starlit beach with the one you love
You just might catch a glimpse of harmony
In the synchronized sound of your heartbeats.

Happiness is a Forgotten Tire Swing

Hours of childhood were spent savoring the warm summer air
on the old tire swing by the lakeside
watching the willows glow as they absorbed the golden rays of the setting sun.
As night fell we frolicked in a moonlit meadow

hunting for the glowing embers of fireflies.
Those crepuscular pests became prisoners of the glass jar,
incandescent with the beetles’ bioluminescent radiance.
In the black forests of the night we blazed a trail by jar-light
and emerged at our precious lakeside swing.